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Story of us

Steps By Steps

our previous projects

*Free walking tour project:

*Lunch box project:

*Artists sharing shop project:

We are a group of people from all over the world with huge interest in indigenous culture and share the same value and passion.

We started Steps and worked on all these beautiful projects since 2016

A project helps students who are in need of scholarship and experience to earn their opportunity through sharing their culture.


Idea of free walking tour

The student-guides would show tourists around in San Cristobal to tell them the stories and share the culture. In the tour, we didn’t charge a formal fee but ask for tips from tourists for the value they considered.

What we expected

Help students with scholarship and experience, and improve their passion for their culture. at the same time, doing funding and telling others about ourselves.

About tips

Half of the tips is for students; the other half is funding for organization for other projects.

A project offers kids who work in the street food which we collected from the market.


Idea of lunch box project

There are lots of indigenous kids who work in the street in San Cristobal all day long without enough nutritious food. Therefore we decided to do something to help.



How we organized

We collected food from the market with the help of communities and foreign volunteers who would like to know more about indigenous culture, to make lunch box for the children.


What we expected

We wish children can be well-cared, full of nutrition and grow up healthily. 

A project offers artists a place to sell their creations and people to do their small business besides formal work.


Idea of the shop

We would like to help artists and indigenous here sell their ideas in a low cost in sharing way.

since here most of the indigenous women are housewives, having to take care of younger children, but the wage from a man usually is not able to support the whole family, which forces the older children having to sell things and clean shoes in the street since their childhood. therefore, we would like to offer a place that these women can easily sell their stuff in a low cost. 

At the same time, we planned to make connection between artists and indigenous to help indigenous to improve their handcrafts, to make different designs.











New start

Why we don't do these projects anymore?

After so much work, later on we realize the core value of everything is about self-identity, education and mentality.

Therefore, we should put the efforts on the right place, the base, while we rarely have much resource and help. And the most important thing is always from the bottom, to conserve what we had to make a strong foundation, which we consider the identity of the culture we share. We believe after reaching the temporary mission, we will be able to know where to go and how to organize it to make our life into a better way.

steps the world 2016

Steps Organization
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