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Steps is a NGO working on preserving indigenous culture here in Chiapas in Mexico.

Chiapas is a place full of traditional indigenous culture, which is a beautiful inheritance of ancient Maya. Here in different villages, they have different languages, textiles, clothes, stories……which are the treasures we’d like to keep, before this fast-developing world forces them to forget their thousands-year-paths for fitting themselves into the new rules.


We think culture means the way we live which should be alive and flexible to move on with eras without losing its main content. So we’d like to bring these amazing indigenous cultures back to here presenting in front of the world, rather than losing them as a touristic and commercial resource. Meanwhile, we believe only when a person has his sense of self-identity, knowing his background, culture, context; knowing who he is, where he comes from; knowing what is inside his blood through all those generations delivering from his ancestors, he can have the strength to hold himself in a stable point without losing himself in the rapid vicissitudes of time, and steps by steps find a way to his future.


Therefore, we’d like to call our project--remember who we are--recording the memories, the stories, the languages into books for ourselves and for next generation.




If you do share the same sense with us and would like to participate in the project, we’d be so glad to have your help with gratitude. 

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steps the world 2016

Steps Organization
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