Steps in San Cristobal is a NGO, an organization working for culture and education. We work for help out of passion, rather than profit.
All the donation we receive, and the future profit we might earn will be used on our indigenous storybook project and other cultural and educational projects to preserve , to help, to improve the living condition of indigenous here in Chiapas.
To know more about us: Steps
To know more about project: Storybook Project
To know more about how we work: Steps' Diary
To follow us on Facebook: Steps in San Critobal
What are we going to do with the donation:
Registering for the organization in order to publish books
Cost of visiting the villages and materials of documentary things.
Cost for making storybook in easy version for indigenous children for free.
Cost for storybook workshop for education.
Cost for publishing books before financial balance
Cost for extending our project into educational aspect.
Donation Process:
1. You can check our funding page, or contact us privately.
2. Fill the information we ask for, and donate the help you'd
like to offer.
3. After we receive the donation, we will do the record, and
send you the receipt, our appreciating letter, and the
gratitude postcard from indigenous we work with!
4. You are welcome to check our financial statement in the
beginning of every month.
5. Don't forget to follow us!
Financial statement:
Our financial statement is totally transparent that you can easily check how we use and organize the resource on our website every month.
Open participate:
We would like to invite you to know more about what we are doing and how is the project going on our page.
All the work we do will be recorded on our facebook page and our blog to give you a glimpse inside our work and a chance to participate and interact with it.
Your advises and feedback are precious for us.
Our funding page will be online soon